
LA CHINE se prépare à défendre l'IRAN.



Russia has vowed to defend Syria against US aggression, even sending a warship to counter US warship which has been parked near Syrian warship. Now China has vowed to defend Iran if attacked by US empire and its client states.

Some text from the video:

Professor Xia Ming: "Zhang Zhaozhong said that 
not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs. 
To some extent though, this would be completely 
ridiculous to encourage" 

Professor Xia Ming pointed out that the United States and 
Western societies may deal with Iran by a method of "Jasmine Revolution", similar to what happened in Libya. 
From the perspective of the Libya model,' NATO could not possibly involve itself in large-scale military action, 
and it would be impossible to start a new war.



Mot clés : russie - iran - chine - UE - USA

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