
La haute-trahison de GORBATCHEV : “Russian MP calls for treason inquiry against Gorbachev, with transcripts of two of the most important phone calls of our time”


[Au final, on sait toujours presque tout. Mais est-on en capacité intellectuelle de tout savoir ? d'accepter l'inacceptable ? Je veux dire sommes-nous vraiment prêts à porter le poids de la Vérité ? A en tirer les justes conclusions? jluc Pujo]


December 17, 2015

Translated from Russian by Tom Winter

Original headline: Gorbachev officially suspected of treason (DOCUMENT)

A member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Georgy Fedorov, has sent a request to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to check the contents of the talks between senior officials of the USSR and the US President for compliance with such articles of the Criminal Code as "treason" and "leaking state secrets" and, if necessary, to prosecute.

This stems from declassified transcripts of telephone conversations in which the top political leadership, namely Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, report to George HW Bush about the destruction of the USSR.

The transcripts of telephone conversations held on December 8 and December 25, 1991, have been published in the media (in particular, in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda).

According to Konsomolskaya Pravda, Boris Yeltsin called US President Bush and had a talk with him longer than 28 minutes, immediately after the signing of the Bialowieza agreement (on the creation of the CIS) on 8 December 1991 

Two weeks later, December 25, the first (and final) president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev telephoned George W. Bush, and the conversation lasted 22 minutes. 

The details of these conversations for a long time could only be guessed. Our special services did not record them. The Americans did, but they were classified. They were kept in the state of Texas in the Presidential Library. And only in 2008, the younger Bush withdrew the "secret" classification and copies of the documents are now in the newly opened Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg.

"In the preliminary planning of our museum, we found these transcripts in the catalog of the George Bush Presidential Library. We sent the request and received electronic copies. 

"It is often said that Yeltsin and Gorbachev "ran" to update the US president about the collapse of the Soviet Union, but that's not the way it was. In fact, the situation was complicated. The Soviet Union collapsed, and it was necessary to inform the President of the United States that the Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal was under control," said Dmitry Pushmin, head of the Yeltsin archive center.

Georgy Fedorov considers that the content of these conversations gives direct evidence that Yeltsin and Gorbachev consciously worked for the United States and the destruction of the USSR, and that these men are turncoats and traitors. In this regard, he appealed to the General Prosecutor's Office to investigate and bring criminal charges under the laws of "State Treason" and "Divulging of State Secrets."

"If there are historical figures to whom I feel a sincere and profound hatred, it's Yeltsin and Gorbachev. I have always been convinced that the destruction of the USSR was the result of betrayal by the elite, including heads of state directly. 

"But until recently, my opinion was reinforced just by general observations and informal information. But now that the the transcripts of these talks have been presented to society, everything has fallen into place. These men are traitors, and they should be judged according to the law," he said in an interview with Russian Planet.
And here are the transcripts:

"I want to inform you personally, Mr. President"
Telephone conversation with President of the Russian Republic, Yeltsin

Participants: George W. Bush, the US president, Boris Yeltsin, the President of the Russian Republic

December 8, 1991, 13.08 - 13:36, Oval Office
President Bush: Hello, Boris. How are you doing?

President Yeltsin: Hello, Mr. President. I am very pleased to greet you. Mr. President, we are agreed that in the case of events of extreme importance we shall inform each other, I - you, and you - me. Today in our country there was a very important event, and I would like to personally inform you, before you find out from the press.

President Bush: Naturally, thank you.

President Yeltsin: We are gathered here today, Mr. President, the leaders of three republics - Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. We got together and after many long discussions that lasted almost two days, came to the conclusion that the current system and the Union Treaty, which they were urging us to sign, does not suit us.

So we got together and just a few minutes ago signed a joint agreement. Mr President, we, the leaders of the three republics - Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, - noting that the negotiations on the new [Union] treaty have reached an impasse -- acknowledge there are objective reasons for the creation of independent states becoming a reality.

In addition, noting that the center's short-sighted policy led us to economic and political crises, which have affected all spheres of production and the various segments of the population, we, the community of independent states of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia signed an agreement. This agreement, consisting of 16 articles, in fact, leads to the creation of the Commonwealth or groups of Independent States.

President Bush: I understand.

President Yeltsin: The members of the Commonwealth aim to strengthen international peace and security. They also guarantee compliance with all obligations under international agreements and treaties signed by the former Soviet Union, including external debt. 
We are also in favor of unified control over nuclear weapons and their non-proliferation. This agreement was signed by the heads of all states involved in the negotiations, - Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia.

President Bush: Good.

President Yeltsin: The president and chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus is with me in the room where I'm calling from. I also just finished a conversation with President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev. I read him the entire agreement, including all 16 articles. He fully supports all of our actions and is ready to sign the agreement. He is flying immediately to the airport in Minsk for signing.

President Bush: I understand.

President Bush: Boris, I am grateful for your call and your openness. We'll look over all 16 points right now. What do you think, will be the reaction of the center?

President Yeltsin: First, I spoke with Defense Minister Shaposhnikov. I want to read Article 6 of the agreement. Shaposhnikov actually is in total agreement and will support our position. And now I read out Article 6 ... [...]

President Bush: We, of course, want to carefully examine them all. We understand that these issues should be addressed by the participants and not by third parties such as the United States.

President Yeltsin: That we can guarantee, Mr President.

President Bush: Well, good luck, and thank you for your call. We will wait for the reaction of the center and the other republics. I guess time will tell.

President Yeltsin: I am convinced that the rest of the republics will understand us and very soon will join us.

President Bush: Thank you again for your call after such a historic event.

President Yeltsin: Goodbye.

"In the end I decided to do it today"

Telephone conversation with Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union

Participants: George W. Bush, US president, Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the USSR

December 25, 1991, 10:03 - 10:25, Camp David

President Bush: Hello, Michael.

President Gorbachev: George, my dear friend. Glad to hear your voice.

President Bush: I am glad to greet you on such a great day, a historic day. Thank you for calling.

President Gorbachev: Let me start with the pleasant: I want to wish you, Barbara and all your family a Merry Christmas. I thought about when I should make my statement - Tuesday or today. As a result, I decided to do it today, in the late afternoon. And so first I want to congratulate a Merry Christmas and best wishes.

And now I must say that in about two hours, I will speak on Moscow television, with a short statement about the decision I have taken. I sent you a letter, George. I hope you will soon get it. In the letter, I spelled out the most important things.

Now I would like to reiterate how much I appreciate what we have done in the time of our working together -- when you were vice-president, and later, when you become President of the United States.

I hope that all the leaders of the Commonwealth countries, and especially Russia, understand the value of sharing lessons learned by the leaders of our two countries. I hope they understand their responsibility for the preservation and increase of this important resource.

In our Union, debates on what sort of state to form, have not gone in the right direction, the one I thought was right. But I want to assure you that I will use all my political influence and credibility so that the new Commonwealth becomes effective.

I am pleased that the leaders of the Commonwealth have already achieved agreements in Alma-ata on important nuclear and strategic issues. I hope that in Minsk other issues will be taken up, which will provide a mechanism for cooperation between the republics.

George, let me tell you what I believe is extremely important.

President Bush: I'm listening.

President Gorbachev: Of course, you must follow through with the recognition of all these countries. But I would like you to take into account how important it is for the future of the Commonwealth to prevent any worsening of processes of disintegration and destruction. So it is our common duty - to help the process of cooperation between the republics. I would like to emphasize this point.

Now, about Russia -- this is the second most important topic of our talks. In front of me on the table is the decree of the President of the USSR on my resignation. I also lay down the responsibilities of the Supreme Commander and I delegate authority for use of nuclear weapons to the President of the Russian Federation.

That is, I run things until the completion of the constitutional process. I can assure you that everything is under strict control. As soon as I announce my resignation, the decree comes into force.

There will be no disagreement. You can spend a quiet Christmas evening. Getting back to the subject of Russia, I want to say one more time that we must do everything we can to support it. I will do everything in my power to support Russia. But our partners must also try, and play their role in the care and support of Russia.

As for me, I'm not going to go hide in the forest, or in the woods. I will remain politically active,and maintain a political life. My main goal - to help in the process that began with perestroika and the new thinking in foreign policy.

Representatives of your press here have often asked me about our personal relationship. At this historic moment, I want you to know how much I appreciate our cooperation, partnership, and friendship. Our roles may change, but I would like to assure you that what we achieved, will not change. Raisa and I wish you and Barbara all the best.

President Bush: Michael, first of all I want to express my appreciation for your call. I listened to your message with great interest. We will continue to be involved, especially in regard to the Russian Republic, and the enormous difficulties which could get even worse this winter.

I am very glad that you are not going to go hide in the forests, and will continue political activity. I am absolutely sure that it will benefit the new Commonwealth.

I am grateful for your clarification on nuclear weapons. This is a vital issue of international importance, and I am grateful to you and the leaders of the republics for the excellent process of organization and implementation. I have taken note that the constitutional responsibility on this issue goes to Boris Yeltsin. I assure you that we will continue close cooperation on this plan ... [...]

President Gorbachev: Thank you, George. I was glad to hear it all today. I say goodbye and shake your hand. You told me a lot of important things, and I'm grateful for that.

President Bush: All the best, Michael.

President Gorbachev: Goodbye.

End of conversation


The letter in which MP Fedorov refers to the transcripts and requests that the Prosecutor General consider prosecution


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