
« Call from the people of Paris to the people of the world : Dimovoulia"

[Call by Simone Le Baron &  jean-luc Pujo for the Dimovoulia movement– Paris – 2 december 2011]

At a time when all the people of the world are protesting ... in America, in Europe, in the Arab world.

Against the new international financial order that keeps people in poverty.

While repression is striking people who claim what is only fair to decide by themselves and freely for their own fates.

While the international war is threatening every part of the world

We, the citizens of Paris make “the call of the Bastille” to all the peoples of the world.
It's time to organize the new international resistance to serve the values ​​of
Democracy and freedom.

It is not fate that imposed misery on the Arabic populations and the peoples of Africa.

It is not fate that imposed misery on the people of the America and soon on the peoples of Europe.

Fate is not responsible for the monstrous logic of totalitarianism with the notion of “profit above everything” that is imposed on all the peoples of the world

Fate is not responsible for the international war that is ready to outbreak and has already lit its flames all over the world.

This dangerous game for the peoples of the world must come to an end. We
must immediately awaken and excite the new forces against the mechanism of war that shall soon be imposed on us! We need to raise “the enormous power of the peoples” in order to say NO!

Everywhere over the world movements of citizens arise. In Athens, the birthplace of democracy. In the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid. In Wall Street in New York or in front of la Défence in Paris. Even there, in Tunis and in Tahrir Square in Cairo!

These brave initiatives are not enough to fight the notion of “profit above everything” and the logic of war.

We must organize - together, the resistance against the New World Order that is now running our governments and our Parliaments.

We, the citizens of Paris, let’s send the “message of the Bastille to the people of the world!” Misery can be avoided! War can be prevented! “People of the entire world, let us unite our forces”.

“Wherever you may live, Citizens of America, of Africa, of the Arab world and of Europe let’s march together towards the birth of the international/ global resistance citizen movements”.

Together – all together – let’s organize the massive movement to take our democracies into our own hands.

Let us organize the Dimovoulia ... in memory of the first citizens of Athens, the birthplace of democracy.

Long live the Freedom of the liberated peoples!

Long live the Dimovoulia!







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