
US ELECTION 2016 : "The Biggest Loser of the Presidential Debate: Media Elites" by Fiorenzo Arcadi


[Notes de la rédaction : excellent article qui permet de mieux comprendre la situation politique complexe aux Etats-Unis et l'état de l'opinion américaine qui laisse tous les experts désemparés. La situation est ingérable. Bien malin qui peut dire quelle sera l'issue du scrutin présidentiel en cette fin septembre 2016]

September 28, 2016

The role of a great director relies on the camera. The camera becomes more of an instrument in breaking through the public’s defenses not by dispiriting their defenses, but by catching something interesting. If the director becomes impatient it is because the eye becomes impatient. The actors or actresses that learn their lines phonetically can never make the camera love them with the degree of intelligence that flickers the audience’s detachment from the camera.

The cameras did not deceive the American public amidst the Presidential debate. The debate provided a full unedited memory. Hillary’s red dress may have captured the camera momentarily, however the camera tended to veer towards Trump’s facial expressions. What the camera didn’t capture was Trump as the embodiment of evil that the media elites tried to transpire towards the public’s mind frame.

The historical scrutiny of the debate extended its interlude with the public’s passion and its own combustible temperament of not being heard by the District of Columbia’s interest roots. If it is not virtuous to be passionate then why would any presidential candidate make an appearance on the national stage?

Trump couldn’t conceal or smother what the public was feeling. At the end of the debate, Trump developed a key sense of reconciliation of not attacking Bill Clinton’s infidelities in front of his daughter. When Trump looked away from the camera and stared at Bill Clinton, Trump decided to conceal his resentment with the lingering vendetta of going against hypocrisy.

Donald Trump is surging onto the political scene with strong political opinions. He did not indulge or cultivate enmities against the women of America when he was provoked by Hillary. Trump feels he began the race with a clear sense of direction of where the country should be going and clung to it tenaciously. Deep down he knew he couldn’t vindicate himself with the words he uttered towards women.

Trump was uncomfortably aware of the unrealistic estimates of human nature. His capacity to survive is based on the unconventional wisdom of what political correctness stands for.

However, Hillary Clinton illuminated a different personal intensity during the debate. She was more scripted and more prepared. Deep into the fold her performance appeared identical to what the media elites wanted rather than what the American public wanted. She made sure to control her smiles and weighed heavily on her logistical attacks against her opponent. She was not adventurous enough to go against her scripted emotional makeup that impeded her from making a passionate plea to the voters.

What voters want is a President with passion instead of a stiff robotic personality that seems to smile on cue whenever a candidate makes a jab against their opponent. As an audience, the American voters are judging the informative elements valued as entertainment rather than the factual format that focuses on ethical reasoning.

When the media elites and Wall Street declared Hillary the winner, Trump immediately declared technological convergence with online polls that pronounced him the winner. The media elites tried to discredit online polling calling it “unscientific”. They felt that Trump fans were racing to their mouse pads in an effort to click their way towards victory. What the media elites don’t understand is that reality television’s dramatic uncertainty of voyeurism and popular pleasure has turned against their networks.

It was the networks themselves that started reality television. Reality television undermines public service traditions including news, commentaries, and reports. Trump simply gave the voters what they’re used to: non-scripted access to real people in a presidential environment.

There’s no doubt Trump let his temperament get the best of him. The key here is that his temperament and passion did not disappoint the voting public. Voters can not deliberate themselves with the networks’ circulated ideology. A great example involves Peter Finch, the star of the 1976 film, “Network”, who established the greatest soliloquy of American cinema by demonstrating that going off-script and standing alone against the networks leads to a surge in popularity.

Reality television chooses to bring Kim Kardashian endorsing Hillary Clinton to the forefront of their broadcasts. The fact that this woman’s main source of popularity is the leaked scandalous videos she was involved in displays the boundaries of what reality really is in American culture. The decision of American networks promoting shows like The Joe Schmo Show and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé effectively disengaged the American public from the networks’ taste of entertainment.

In the debate Trump did not eviscerate the public; he simply completed his leadership that defied conventional political methods. The cameras showed Trump’s ferocity of ambition and limitless resource of pent-up energy. They also highlighted his distain of the media elites and the political hacks controlling Washington, that’s what you call entertainment. The emerging disconnect between the media elites and public really shows that the public may be headed towards choosing a person that finally adheres to their own sentiment and temperament.

Trump has extensive knowledge of the media and understands that these directors have absolutely no control over the camera. The camera feeds off of passion, without it there’s no interest. Hillary wasn’t able to address what the voting public thinks of her: that crooked politicians are a disgrace to the nation.  

Donald Trump had the moral sincerity without using scripts and without details. He dominated the passion of the American voters. The voters have become disengaged from the social cultural values portrayed by the media elites. Remember folks, reality presidential campaigns are the Holy Grail for advertisers. The camera keeps rolling.


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