
Pour « L’Etat américain de CANAAN » par Alfred de Grazia


Canaan 1

« Pour la dissolution d’Israël et de l’Etat Palestinien en un Etat de CANAAN, 51ème  Etats des Etats-Unis d’Amérique ! »

Afred de Grazia est un intellectuel américain mondialement connu pour ces travaux en philosophie politique et sa théorie de la « QUANTAVOLUTION »

Endless violence, terror and destruction have beset Palestine and Israel for over 60 years and brought instability and war to the Middle East. No formula for peace or welfare has worked. America has deeply compromised its moral and political leadership. The author proposes a stunning solution - the union of the Israeli and Palestinian people, including the Palestinian refugees, in the ancient region of Canaan - the biblical "land of milk and honey" - simultaneously with the admission of Canaan to the United States of America as the 51st State.  Make of the people of Canaan full citizens of the United States, with the right to settle anywhere in the United States and anywhere in Canaan. For every objection to Statehood, there springs forth an answer, and the answers add up to a peaceful and prosperous Union. The seemingly endless traumas, terror and threats visited upon the people pf the Middle East would diminish exponentially, and the profoundly damaged moral stature of the United States would be restored. The World could move on and dedicate itself to the problems which threaten our common survival. 

Source :

Alfred de GRAZIA : Political theorist and natural philosopher, Alfred de Grazia was born in Chicago on December 29,1919, was granted the AB and PhD degrees at the University of Chicago, studied law at Columbia, taught at several universities, including Stanford and New York University, and has written and published many books and articles, mainly in Political Science and Quantavolution (the study of ancient catastrophes),but also including poetry and novels. He wrote Public and Republic andThe Elements of Political Science: Political Organization and Political Behavior. His main book in world affairs is called Kalos: What is to be Done with Our World? This and other works are carried on his site,, whose annual visits amount to several millions. With Jill Oppenheim (1919-1997), he parented seven children. His military service carried him in World War II into six campaigns in North Africa and Europe, encountering, as the Psychological warfare unit he captained moved forward, the immense human disaster and displacements, and the concentration camps (Dachau). He founded and published theAmerican Behavioral Scientist. He was frequently a consultant, to the State Department, the Department of Defense, and General Motors Corporation, among others, and traveled widely for business and research. Politically a radical idealist, he nevertheless at times campaigned on behalf of the Independent Voters of Illinois, the Democratic Party of California, and the Republican Party of New York. His two latest books are to be found on line and in bound-book format: The Iron Age of Mars (2006), and The American State of Canaan (2009). He lives presently in Greece and in rural France with his wife Ami.


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